One of my friends has a vintage Necchi 544 sewing machine made in Italy. The problem is they have a broken foot pedal. And the plug is very unique in its design. Since I am not having any luck finding a new pedal, I am going to try to repair the broken foot. I did find the manual for this machine. Just need to get power to it.
One of the perks of teaching quilting is show and tell. My students bring in quilts before class to show us what they have been working on. It is always a pleasant surprise and a feast for the eyes.
Our chicks are now 1 week old. They are getting their adult wing feathers and tails. You can see my husband holding one of the Americana pullets. She fell asleep in his warm hands while we photographed her wings.
Here is Poppy our barn cat watching over his baby chicks. This is why we put a heavy metal mesh lid over our chick brooder. It turns out the chicks enjoy Poppy's visits every evening at dusk. Poppy takes the time to work on his tan under the heat lamps. Ah, the hard life being a chickfather.
At the festival there was a heritage tom dancing for his hen. It was quite the show watching him turn his tail like a fan. The hen was making all the noise and the tom was silent in his love dance.
This Sunday my hubby and I got to attend the fantastic Baker Creek Spring Festival. There were plants, seeds, farm demonstrations, handmade soaps, candles and more. Vendors were dressed in pioneer fashion and very polite. There was music all over the venue. This was the place to see, hear and taste. We learned a lot about what grows in Missouri best. If you have a garden this place is not to be missed.
This past May 1st our small town came together for a BBQ at the historic mill. A May pole was set up, desserts were donated, and great food was had by all. We had a live band playing from inside the mill for the whole town to hear. And the sun came out after a long night of tornado warnings to give us all a great day.