Sunday, June 13, 2021
Cabinet Magic
Green beans and firewood

We had three trees fall down in the windstorm this month. Fully leafed out heavy wet wood. We were able to cut and split them and stack them to season. Nice to have firewood for winter.
Farm For Sale in Missouri
I wanted to post this for a nice family that came to our small Catholic church on June 13, 2021. They had 4 girls and one boy looking for a house with farm land around us. They drove 36 hours from Boston to look at a house in Mtn Grove, MO. The house was sold before they got here. So they called a for sale by owner near Mtn. View, MO instead. We had the pleasure of meeting them on their journey to buy a farm.
There is a lot of property not listed or banked owned sold at auction. This one is one of those.
JUNE 26, 10:00 A.M.
Location: Dora, MO. 2190 St. Rt. 181, north on Hwy. 63 to Hwy. 14, west on 14 approx. 20 miles to Hwy. 181 (left), then approx. 1 mile to property on left. Watch for auction signs.
50 acres and house and barn.
I hope this family finds what they are looking for.
God Bless :)