Today, I got a full morning of learning how to open gates and herd cows around on horseback. I learned that cowboys/cowgirls do not dismount to open gates. You stay on your horse and bend over. And with the threat of stinky wet cow mud just under my horse, I stayed mounted on my horse. I had three gates to open to move cows then go back and close. I moved five groups of cows on five runs for a total 25 bovines, 4 riders and 7 horses in three hours in the arena. Once in the arena, my job was a
turnback rider. I had to keep the cows in the center and
turnback the cows who stray. My trainer does this 6 days a week rain or shine and trains over 10 horses and 40 head of cows. She has so much knowledge and strength, I admire her skills with these animals. Can't say it is ever boring in the country!