Sunday, February 17, 2019

Winter Still Here

We have no ice one day, everything melts then more ice by weekend. It has been like this for the last 2 months. Ice weighs everything down and makes driving more difficult.

Very cold days then warm up then ice and sleet this year.

Ice and more ice then lots of rain, flooded roads then more ice. It has been a winter of lots of weather watching for us. Lots of days staying home and off the roads. Keeping the farm fed has been a challenge with ice, rain or mud. Snow is so much better to deal with. 
My poultry are wanting to get broody and hatch. Egg production has been very high this late winter. 

New Study and Japanese

Here is a good read from LSU School of Medicine for  possible help for people with Alzheimer's.

My husband and I are studying Japanese. We hope to go to Japan one day. There is a neat program called Drops for language study of usable words and stuff you might need to read and say.
It is cheaper than Rosetta and easier to learn. It has visual, verbal and written all at the same time. It is fun and it sticks. Worth a look for language studies.

This is a handmade goldfish by Wee Folk Studio. I have been following Salley Mavor's neat creations and publications. Worth a look at this talented woman's creations. She shows how she creates and you can see she loves what she does.