This morning we got a call from our trainer, her clients horse had a foal and he did not want it. He is selling the mare soon and the foal will soon be an orphan. So my friend, Effie, picked me up and we drove to the stable to check on the foal. The little filly was nursing and getting around well. We are hoping to have the mare for at least 4 months if the owner will hold off on the sale. But in these times everyone is in a hurry and time is money. And baby horses cost money to raise, especially without a mare. My friend is willing to take the time to hand raise this foal even though she is a working grandmother with horses of her own.
We have a bale that is eating the heads off our horses. Not really. Our mares know where the best part of the round bale is in the center of it. They are eating all the good stuff in the center and leaving the outside to the weanlings.
On my walk to the training barn Luna was alert to movement in the field across from my neighbors house. Instantly three deer jumped over the barb wire and ran into the forest next door. I will have to be quicker on the draw with my camera next time. These deer were silent in their march over the pasture.
Our game hen, Whitey, is taking her two chicks out farther on the farm. They have to run and fly to keep up with her. But both are thriving and growing up fast with their flock. One chicks is a green legged Ameraucana and the other is an English game variety. We hope both will be hens when they grow up.
My neighbor, Nancy, showed me how to make flax seed crackers using my dehydrator. The recipe is in the book the dehydrator comes with. I soaked the seeds overnight and that is what is holding the crackers together. I added pumpkin seeds, tomato, and cucumber to the mix. Wow, we are hooked on this alternative to chips. These are very filling and easy to make. It's so nice to have control over what we put into our foods instead of store bought. If you want info on how to cook raw foods, here is her website, Rawberry Kitchen.
Here is my husband walking Luna home from the trainers. Luna was not worked today so she was having a lazy Thursday. Both were greeted by the other horses and the chickens. Luna gets to taste some fresh green grass after a long winter with hay.