It has been very cold here in the Ozarks. This early morning I got a call asking if I could feed my trainers horses as her truck was not starting. I dragged out of bed got dressed in my winter jumper, snow coat, gloves, ear muffs and into my frozen Volvo and made the short drive to the barn. The barn is not heated and it was like working in a freezer. The water hose froze as I was using it to fill water buckets. That happens when it is 10 degrees outside. The frozen hose popped a hole and it started to snow in the barn thanks to the fine mist and cold. The horses were not impressed and went back to munching on hay. I was glad to come home and sit next to the wood stove. Getting around in heavy layers is a chore in itself not to mention the tasks you need to do as a wadded piece of beef in winter. At least there are no horseflies this time of the year.
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