Our neighbor asked if we wanted a cat. See a stray cat has been killing birds in his barn and he wants it gone. So we offered to trap this stray cat for our neighbor and keep it as our barn cat on our farm. So I set up our trap baited with cat food. The next morning I went to see the cat. A cat it wasn't, an angry possum it was. So I tell our neighbor what I caught, he laughed and said it was my possum problem now. He suggested I make it into a pet or something. I offered to release the possum and he said no, take it home. My possum, my problem he said. So I took it home to show Alan and we decided to release the angry possum. We took the cage to an abandoned property and let it go free. The possum ran out then stopped sniffed the air and high tailed it back in the direction of my neighbors property. I guess that is home for him. We never did catch that barn cat. Oh and trapped possum leave very stinky presents in a cage. It took a long time in the cold to get the possum pooh out of the cage, away from my horses. Possum carry a protozoa that affects horses called
EPM or Equine Protosoal Myeloencephalitis.
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