Wednesday, September 2, 2015

A chicken a day

No, this is not a chicken. But I had to title something for my blog. Yes, my dogs get an armadillo a day sometimes. But this week it has been a chicken a day dying. First was a bantam hen, another hen stomped her and she never recovered and died on Sunday. On Monday my blind rooster did not return to the coop at night. Next day my shepherds brought his corpse to the back door. They are trained to not kill poultry. Owl attacked the rooster, head was missing. Last night my husband put up the chickens and this morning a red hen was dead by the back door. Could not find cause of death for this hen, no sign of missing feathers. And this morning there is a large predatory mountain lion nearby. So my farm is on high alert and on edge.I could use a break on all the chicken deaths. 


  1. Hi! I am so sorry for what you are going through. I also raise chickens and last year coyotes dug underneath the chicken yard fence and took off 16 of my laying hens. My husband put and electric fence around the yard and I have not lost any more chickens. I hope you can find a solution to your predator problem. You asked about the finished baby quilt on my blog? I finally finished it last night and have just now posted the photos on my blog. Thank you for asking.

    1. The chicken solution was to let nature takes its course. It was a fox getting my hens. But I took care of that and no more problems. Now, no one is laying eggs and I have to deal with that. Life on the farm is full of problem solving.

  2. Hi! I am so sorry for what you are going through. I also raise chickens and last year coyotes dug underneath the chicken yard fence and took off 16 of my laying hens. My husband put and electric fence around the yard and I have not lost any more chickens. I hope you can find a solution to your predator problem. You asked about the finished baby quilt on my blog? I finally finished it last night and have just now posted the photos on my blog. Thank you for asking.
