Friday, September 13, 2019

Furniture no Further

It amazes me how furniture styles come and go even here in the Ozarks. Several years ago at the local auctions nobody wanted antique wood furniture. They could not give it away bedroom sets. We had a trailer and could move the unwanted stuff. Then the milk paint craze took over and everybody painted everything white.  So we acquired a lot of antique furniture in our shop. Where it remained -for years. I wanted it out since we do not need it. We have a small house but a large shop.

And again antique furniture takes a back seat. Sofas and large flat screen TV's are hot and not big pieces of heavy wood furniture. So we offered to even take these pieces to the local charity- they don't want it. But a friend is expanding his headstone business and needs nice storage in a Victorian style. They are taking the largest pieces off our hands. I had to uncover them and take photos. I had forgotten how nice these were.

Our friend is handy and willing to clean them up and use them in his shop. I will be happy to have room in the shop. They are well made solid wood and do not need much work. But they are too large for our house -since I got the piano. We had hoped someone might want these pieces, a family in need. But even people who's house burned down did not want these antique pieces. I think people are very mobile these days. And if you move a lot, heavy furniture is not easy to move. You need more than two people to move "granny furniture" and a truck and muscles. Whatever the reason, I am glad they will be getting a new home/business instead of gathering dust unseen.

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