Saturday, May 29, 2021

Crazy Train

So after two weeks after 2nd Moderna vaccine I got sick. Some upper bronchial thing going around our small town, I got it. We have self isolated for a year, this means our immunity was down. First week out into the public, bam, got sick. Not from the vaccine but from weak immune system being away from people. A church member came to church sick and I got it. Then I gave it to my husband. His fever broke and he is full of snot and vinegar. I have a cough and some sinus but no fever. 
What got me was the dental visit. They have signs, masks, fever checks and Covid warnings everywhere. We had our teeth cleaned and x-rayed. The hygenist asked if we had any medical changes and I said yes, we got vaccinated. I am sure you all had as well. She huffed and said they were not required to at that office. I was shocked she was to angry in her response. My husband whispered that is a hot topic for many people. He was right. I had no idea and do not care. But her happy demeanor changed and she was cold after that. People who work in the medical dental field should get vaccinated for their own health. But here in Missouri that is not the general belief. You are the odd bird wanting to get a shot. The majority are happily returning to life as normal, traveling the world as if nothing was wrong. I am not that narcissistic.
It has been hard to shake off the stay at home urge. Seems like everyone is on the move this Memorial holiday. We are at home recovering from some bug. But my husband wants to hit the road and take a vacation. I am reluctant, to deal with opinionated angry people and travel. End of rant.


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