Thursday, June 23, 2022

Health Mystery solved

And the winner is Alpha Gal! After three + years of dealing with my husbands nauseas, lethargy, toilet issues, rash breakouts all over his body, many doctors and procedures we have the answer. I suspected it was this at the time but no doctor would listen and no lab would do this test. I was told that lab does not perform this test. We were left with no answers and he is under 50 and in good health otherwise. I dove down the rabbit hole and was starting to read about other men with the same symptoms.

Fast forward to this year and our family doctor returned from service and he listened. And his office allowed the test to be run and his lab actually did the test. Positive for Alpha Gal. Nothing was given to us just that answer, positive. So now we move forward to avoiding meat and animal products. He loves steak and pork so this will be a change. We will see how it goes as he ages. The thing is that is was chigger bites and not a tick bite that set this all off. My husband is highly sensitive to chiggers. So now we take steps for him to avoid getting bit.

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