So my husband and I called back the dogs and used a flashlight that turns night into day. On the hill was a curled up ball of grey. We walked up and it was a huge possum, playing possum. We went back inside and got the camera and sleeping ugly was still there, blinking and breathing. We took some shots and left our visitor alone for the evening. I am glad it stayed "asleep"; possums have huge fangs. I don't want to tangle with one in the dark. That possum was waiting for us to feed the barn cat. We were running late on that.
After an hour the possum was long gone and the barn cat was happily eating her late supper. I paned the flashlight into the dark while the cat ate and saw a stray cat. I called my husband outside and a second stray jumped out. Apparently, we are feeding half the Ozarks outside our door. They know when feeding time is and they form a line on our deck. We are careful not to leave food outside, but word has gotten out.
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