Monday, June 17, 2019

Organizing Chaos and Rain

Along with sewing, restoration, leather work, farming and chores I am organizing my studio, slowly. I have so many materials I use in restoration I needed to get things to hold it all. Mobile things with lots of drawers. Sewing needles, feet, leather tools, punches, embroidery discs, antique sewing items, lace, threads and so much more. My drawers are mobile so I can move them to get foster kittens, toys and things rearranged for farm emergencies in the walk out basement, aka- my studio. Since we no longer ride our equines, I got all the tack out of my office. Tons of room now filled with mobile work stations.

It has been very rainy in the Ozarks this summer.

So that is why we now have mostly ducks. Ducks love the rain and bugs.I have culled most of my chickens. But my hens still found the time to hatch out 14 baby chicks! Ugh! I just sold one hen and 13 chicks last week. I sold off 2 roosters to the auction house as well. This leaves my old roo and his son along with a half blind game hen and about 6 old hens and 14 baby chicks. Nature finds a way to fill a vacuum. But my ducks are hardier and long lived. They lay most of the year and are very winder hardy. They never stop feeding and foraging. Their eggs are larger and better than chickens. It's easier to raise the baby ducklings. The downside for us - they are not broody. My flock will not set on a nest. I set the eggs under a hen to hatch and I raise the ducklings indoors, then foster duck them.

Our pond is full!

Culinary herbs within reach from the kitchen. Love summer and herbs.

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