Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Living Traditions in Missouri

This is Sarah and Kevin and they live close to us in Ava, Missouri. They are self sustaining homesteaders, city kid transplants to the MO Ozarks like us. They have a facebook, youtube and website all about their everyday living in the Ozarks. They are really funny and honest about what is really like to raise your own food, family,  and live off the land.

One of the many things we learned from them was why our garden was a hassle-the weeds. This year I tore out the fence and put in old manure, tilled and now putting in weed fabric. It is a ton of work right before planting season. But the hard work now will save us during harvest time. No weeds competing with our veggies. And we enlarged our garden by 30% this year. With empty grocery stores, empty shelves and long lines, we upped our food game. Yes, even in the Ozarks now we are seeing shortages for food and supplies. We have plenty of meat here though.
For the last two years I have planted and canned enough food for us to live off of. We have not been to a grocery store in over 4 months. We grow what we like and trade with other farmers. Yes, it is a lot of work but it gets easier the more you do it. I plan, plant, seed save and can so we have food.
We do eat a lot of beans and rice as a mainstay. But we also eat a lot of other veggies along with meat on occasion. 
We have had 2 frost days and so I have not put my seedlings in the ground. And this week we have heavy storms all week long. I just put in the last of our veggie fencing/fabric and now we wait to plant. It is so nice to have another family to watch and share ideas about what we are doing. If you get a chance stop and watch Sarah and Kevin. They have recipes and cooking ideas that really are quite good.

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