Tuesday, April 21, 2020

China, you so greedy

Today my husband and I were talking about current events and what is going on the world. We have the talks once in a while. I never read the newspapers and we do not have TV. We do both  read on line news and talk to our friends all over the world. So while everyone all over the world is quarantines and worried about money, job and food this is what China is up to.
My husband pointed out that Chinese government is currently buying up every world shipping docks. They own most of Hollywood and are buying up world real estate in the US, Italy and Spain, etc. Buying up every commercial shipping dock worldwide means Chinese government controls what comes in and goes out. Think about that for a moment and what that means for world trade and power. China loves power and control over its people and now soon the world.
Anyway, I go back to what I do best, planting vegetables and raising poultry. At least I can eat my Chinese crested duck if he gets too pushy.

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