Thursday, April 29, 2021

Two new contenders to grow

Orange sweet bell peppers

Kajari Melons

These two are both new to me for growing in zone 6. The seedlings have survived the freeze and are ready to be moved into the ground. I have heard lots of good things about the Kajari and one melon will give you over 300 seeds. Sweet, drought tolerant and from India these melons can handle a tough growing enviro. I was able to find a local grower on ebay selling Melon seeds.
I love growing watermelon and so I have planted these as well.
The sweet pepper is always a pantry staple and very expensive in the grocery. This orange one we both enjoy and can trade with other growers. I planted the Burpee orange sweet peppers.


All treed up

It is spring planting time in the Ozarks. The young tree saplings arrived from the tree foundation. Pines, redbuds and sycamore twigs too small to plant right now. So I am potting them up for next year.
And on the veggie front, tomatoes, melons, onions, shallots,herbs and cabbages are thriving in the ground.
Everyone I know who is able is putting in some kind of garden this spring.

We took a drive to the local river town and wow they have been busy. All along the current river are tiny cabins that were never there before. Anyone who has some land has thrown up a shed and called it a place to stay. Better than a tent! All is for the expected flood of visitors to the Ozarks expects when school is over and people are free for the summer. Never have I seen this here before. I guess after last years incredible volume of visitors, locals got busy. The problem? No river water. Thanks to the local government river rules, no dredging is allowed, so the gravel and silt and rocks have risen where water used to be. This means all these cabins have a view of a gravel sandbar and that is it. This means if hard rains come, a flash flood is a real possibility. Some years are high water some years are drought. Will be interesting to see how it goes this summer, with Covid restrictions over and everyone itching to get back to normal. Meanwhile on our town of 500 two businesses closed, the local mechanic station and the animal clinic. This means long drives to the other towns for car work and pet care. The animal clinic building was sold to city folks and the local mechanic retired. We have had several new homesteaders move into our small town. They are all expecting the same amenities they had in the big city like septic system and internet. For some this is a retirement home or a second home. People from Illinois and California mostly. And with the tourist also comes the roadwork May through Nov. Not fun when tourists not used to our roads and all going in the same direction with no other roads to get there. Going to be interesting summer this year in the Ozarks.


Monday, April 26, 2021

Death called and asked me about my cars extended warranty


Today I got that call every adult child dreads. From my older brother from another father. He told me my father had died, heard from a cousin who saw it on facebook from a sister in laws post. My older brother is a great discovery in my life thanks to 23 and me, thanks you science for giving me an older brother. He has been a blessing in my life.

Yeah, I have a great relationship with my family. I have been estranged from my folks since I got married and left home. They did not want me to. My father died and I feel nothing. Our mother is still alive, I am estranged from her and my younger brother and his family as well. And recently, I found out my mother had my older brother, gave him up for adoption etc. I am not sure my father was mine at this point. Mom was kind of getting around and keeping secrets. 

When a parent dies, it’s devastating, right? An absolutely heartbreaking loss. But for my dad, I mourned his “death” years ago when he chose to go on with his life and I chose to stick with those who love me better. The death of an estranged parent means you’re forced to grieve their death twice. Once when they cut ties (or you choose to move on because there’s nothing left to give), and again when they die. But for me, I’m not grieving because he’s no longer here. I’m grieving because he chose not to be here and be a part of my life.

I would likely not be where I am today because I would not have had the courage to break free from the verbally and physically abusive narrative my parents had taught me to believe, or to challenge this narrative.

To some people we are a wonderful friend, a kind neighbor, and a loving parent, but to others we are a rude jerk, a self-centered person, and verbally abusive or neglectful parent. Each one of us has the right to remember the dead as they experienced them and honor their memory as we see fit.

Years after cutting my parents out of my life I silently forgave them for the hurt they had caused me, and I worked to let go of the pain from the past. However, at times, I found myself fantasizing about what a healthy adult relationship could look like with my father.

I imagined mutually respectful discussions, long walks, trips or vacations and most importantly, being seen not as an unlovable failure, but as a successful adult worthy of love and acceptance.

My last conversation with my father was not positive. He said “I love my wife more than you. That is the way it has always been.” I was forced to accept my father for who he was and acknowledge the painful fact that some people are just not capable being who we need them to be.

We can choose to plead for a relationship that will never be, or for the person to be something they are not, or we can choose to accept them as they are and accept ourselves in spite of their abuse. But this means we must let go and accept that the future holds time we can never have together.