Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Mary Mary



About two years ago someone vandalized our Mary statue at our church. There were no events and the statue was just left alone. Then a rosary event was scheduled and Mary needed work. Her grotto is over 20 years old and falling apart. Our church had the worst grotto around. The rocks were taken and thrown at the statue and a car. We asked our church if someone could restore this grotto and clean it up. No one stepped up. So I got bleach, paint, construction adhesive and got busy. I replaced most of the stones and filled mortar into the holes created by vandals and ice. The next day after the mortar was dry I covered Mary and painted the inside of the grotto gray to hide the uneven colors. I then cleaned the stones and Mary and repainted her. I added a crown made of zip ties and painted gold. I cemented the crown to her back. I think she looks pretty once again.

The nicks in the cement at her feet I filled with gold to become stars. She has real gold highlights painted on the details of her gown.