Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Story of Osa

After packing my small dog, 3 cats and 2 rabbits and driving 13 hours straight from TX to MO; I thought these would be my only pets. Ha! When you move into the country new pets soon await you. They appear under your parked car or under your deck one cold morning like the pet fairy came by while you were sleeping. Ah the joys of country living.
One cold morning I let my city dog outside to whiz, a huge German Shepherd scuttled out from under my deck. Startled, I grabbed my 30 pound city dog and made it back into the house for back up. Waking up A. we went outside to see what the dog's story might be. Staring back at us from the deck stood the skinniest female dog I ever saw. She clearly had pups in the past but was a just bag of bones.
So my hubby said we should let her go. But by mid day she was hanging around and not leaving. She had no collar. We fed her and she ate everything and slept the rest of the day. The next day she was still at our house. We called around, searched the Internet and posted found signs and took her to the vet. The vet scanned her and kept her overnight to check her over. The next few weeks we fed her and waited for someone to claim her. No luck.
The vet said she had puppies long ago. So after 2 months we took her to the vet to be fixed, vaccinated and micro chipped. She is now at her goal weight of 70 lbs. and is very strong. She is getting her muscle tone back. And slowly learning to trust men. I guess the pet fairy was looking out for her.
So now I have a great farm dog, only no sheep for her to herd, yet. So she herds my farm cats and my city dog. She keeps the mole population down and lives the best life a dog can have.

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