Tuesday, August 14, 2018

no cagas donde comes

Do not shit where you eat  is my rant for the day.
I have learned living in the city and now on a farm what it means to take care of our earth. Monsanto is a team player an agent of destruction of our soil and our bodies. Roundup causes cancer, end of story. I am happy the courts flushed out all the hidden lies and false science they tried to bury. But the real problem is that Monsanto funds the Agricultural colleges and indoctrinates the next generation of gullible farmers that science knows better than nature/God.

I will take weeds and bugs over having cancer any day. Nature was built to feed people and the other creatures. Trying to make science that feeds more and poisons the ground is just stupid. And now children have cancer, animals have cancer and the sea, air and ground are polluted for the next generation. At some point we need to let that sink in that we have poisoned the earth. It goes down from here if we do not stop. Nature can restore itself with time. But not if we keep draining resources in the name of science and feeding the greed of others. So do something today. Do not buy that weed killer and share the wisdom about taking the time to pull a weed instead of spraying it. Lets all spread a little less cancer on the planet we all live on.

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