Friday, June 26, 2020

Personal Storms

We volunteer at our church and have done so for years. When the pandemic arrived we made sure to keep open communications available for church service via internet source. I kept a newsletter going to keep everyone up to date as to when and how church would reopen. Church did but with many changes in place namely mandatory wearing a mask and social distancing. And it worked great for about a month. Then an older couple at our church complained to the priest about having to wear a mask in church. This couple, who are older and smokers resented the need to pray and wear a mask. So they complained enough that the mask wearing is strongly encouraged and not mandatory. And do you know what has happened, yep, the virus snuck in thanks to a granddaughter visiting from the city brought the virus with her and when to church without a mask. She is only in college and has the virus. Her family here is in quarantine, she was in the hospital. Her family is older and high risk. And now since mask wearing is optional you can guess what is now happening in the town just 40 minutes away from us. But it is not these people alone that are the problem. It is the lack of caring about your fellow humans. It is so selfish for you to not wear a mask, give dirty looks to those who do wear masks. When we have to go out with people, we mask up. We don't want the virus and we do not want to spread it. But people we thought were our friends gave us cold shoulders and hostile looks. I have not felt this out of place since living in Houston, Texas.
I keep on sewing masks and I keep washing my hands and wearing masks. We stay away from most social events and live off our farm as before the virus began. Just hard to feel so alone in the fight to ward off this virus.

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