Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Ire Eye

Here is our 5 year old Missouri Fox trotter mare. This is her good side. Two weeks ago she did something and we found her eyelid hanging tangled in her forelock. Called the vet and with headlamps on he trimmed off the necrotic tissue and sewed back the living eyelid tissue, saving her lashes and lid.

He used bright blue suture so we can find them to pull them when healed.

 Close up for the shorter lid and saved lashes.

Maple and her constant companion, Shelby, the donkey. Our vet said the cut was extremely sharp and might have come from a large mountain lion and not barb wire. We have electric extensions along the barbwire to prevent the horses getting into the wire. None of our horses have gotten into wire since we installed it and walked the fences. We even replaced our round bale ring with a new one to prevent metal cuts. But horses get into things and we do live in the woods. We are just glad her eye was saved.

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