Saturday, December 30, 2017

2017 Lessons Learned

This year I worked like a dog for 3 growing seasons. I had a tiller, thin soil and a mission to grow the foods we love to eat and enjoy. I planted my pumpkins a bit too early but they did great. I planted 3 veggie gardens and 2 flower beds. I had to sacrifice the flower beds after the drought and watering became too much for me. But we had food and have food, thanks to all this hard work.

I only fostered one kitten this year and kept him. Frosty has made our farm his home.

Even though we had a bad drought we had colors for fall.

My girls do their job well protecting the poultry.

I was thrown a surprise birthday party by my friends and husband.

I had the best birthday cake ever made by my friend.

Our Magnolia tree got taller.

I got to work on bone assembly. So love doing this.

We were cut off since all the roads were under water or washed away.

The Spring brought torrential floods and we lost our roads and bridges.

The rains gave us roses and flowers.

Happiest garden ever with tilling and bees. 

More flowers before the droughts set in.

The bounty of sugar peas all spring.

and peas for weeks!

Summer squash

My ducks gave me ducklings. I was able to sell them for a good price.

later summertime I had eggplant and bush beans enough to can and sell.

forgotten bounty of onions and more beans

Tomatillo abundance!

Winter squash harvest was great.

I gained confidence in my putting away pressure canned food which we are now living off of. All this hard work, dirt,sweat, bug bites, sore muscles and we have a full larder. Since we had no income having the food was a life saver.

An august sunset.

Friends can surprise you with the unexpected. I was given a sitting rock for our pond.

I made my first home grown pumpkin pie that was a big hit. I have mastered pie crust and filling thanks to trial and error.

My bachelor buttons thrived in the veggie garden in the drought.

The lilies came and left too soon. But I got to enjoy them in all their glory.
I do not know what next year will be like. But I have seeds to plant and soil to make. I have poultry and beef and veggies to eat. We have a roof over our heads and a plan to move ahead. We lost some loved ones and friends this year, but no illness or sickness. We both have been blessed with more light than darkness. And for that I am grateful.

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